Ode to the Grackle

In the realm of ancient shadows cast,
The grackle reigns, from a time long past.
A lineage direct from dinosaur's nest,
A creature that has passed nature's test.

With oily hues, it roams the skies,
A cacophony of caws and screeching cries,
A dance of survival, a story of old,
In fields and cities, its tales unfold.

Eat, shit, and fuck; simple creeds,
A life uncluttered by human needs.
No room for dreams or lofty goals,
Just the rhythm of base, earthly souls.

With every dawn, they rise anew,
In nature's arms, their lives run true.
In each peck and flight they scream,
A hymn to existence, a living ring.


Life's Baggage


Captivating Beauty