The Beautiful Woman

Young woman, with your shining eyes aglow,
When you speak of writing, beauty does show.
Your smile is like a ray of light,
And I get lost in your pure delight.

I don't know you, but I know what I feel,
I know your beauty is achingly real.
You inspire me to compose and write,
In your lovely glow, my heart takes flight.

You're a force of nature, wild, a work of art,
I write this ode to your beauty, soul, and heart.
I beg the universe, on your behalf, I implore,
There’s always someone there, to hear you snore.

I write about you, my dear young friend,
May your dreams and words never end.
And may you always glow so heartbreakingly bright,
Like a star shining out, in a summer’s clear night.


Captivating Beauty


Revolution Unheard