Strong Man

For love, he strayed from the path he once held dear,
Left the priesthood behind, for true love, he'd appear.
With a heart untamed, he sought a new call,
Became a guardian of the streets, a savior for all.

But time's fickle hand, an adversary cruel and sly,
Delivered the news of mortality's sigh.
At 80 years, the clock's hands stood still,
As fate whispered softly, time's sands to spill.

"Five years," they said, a countdown grim,
Yet the strongest of men wore not a brim.
With a wink and a jest, he met the fate's decree,
A smile on his lips, so carefree.

He built a life of resilience, marked by grace,
In the embrace of love, how time would chase.
So here's to that man, a beacon burning bright,
Defying the shadows that creep into the night.