I've had a disturbing realization

I've been cutting down on my caffeine consumption, and I really don't drink alcohol at all anymore. As I cut out caffeine, my poems are reading quite flat. I'm beginning to think that I need to alter my consciousness just a bit, to access the part of my brain I tap into for at least mediocre poetry. That's not to say that I will seek out ways to alter my consciousness. I get my enjoyment from the act of creating. I'm not all that concerned with sharing, except I promised a therapist that I would share my writing. I guess what I'm trying to say, in this rambling way, that the poems I want to share, will be a little more rare.

Edit: To be clear, it takes at least 6 shots of espresso before something shifts in my mind, and my writing changes.


I'm on a train!


I'm still recovering.