In the morning's turbulence, I find my seat,
Striving for calm, as the rhythms compete.
The sun rises gently behind a crystal vase,
A rose blooms, in its delicate grace.
But discordant voices, a startling sound,
Behind me, an argument, emotions unbound.
Overnight transgressions, a breach in the trust,
In the midst of the morning, conflicts combust.
Talk of snakes, beyond the glass, they reside.
An untamed desert, where we dare to confide.
In the morning's bustle, a discordant refrain,
Yet it doesn't touch back, this wild domain.
I sway in my seat, seeking solace's release,
Rocking to and fro, searching for inner peace.
As this train carries on, its rhythmic embrace,
Taking some along, in this morning's chase.