I think I'm back.

I'm sorry for not updating this in so long. I've been having a bit of a crisis, with regards to my writing.

My writing is a lot more superficial than it was before the brain injury. My poems have been a lot more structured than in the past as well. This prompted someone close to me to ask if I was using Chat GPT. My honest answer is, "I don't know."

I have been structuring my poems a lot more to try and fill the hole left by not being able to write code anymore. Even before this person asked me, though, I was wondering about the same thing. I rely heavily on things like predictive text to assist my writing. Coordination is very challenging for me. So, yes, AI is definitely influencing my writing. The poems I've written since the brain injury are definitely a "group" effort, in some ways of thinking, between AI and myself. However, as my dad might say, “Who fucking cares?”

So, here I am. Possibly a real-life online cyborg, just writing what I can, and doing what feels right.


Best Compliment Ever


Perspective and acceptance.