My first nightmare, I think

I had my first nightmare since the brain injury last night. The predominant emotion started as fear when I saw CAT fall from a great height. Just after I checked on him, it turned to rage as people kept walking into my house and, when I told them to get out; that it was my house, they just smiled polite, condescending smiles and ignored me.

The strange thing about the nightmare was that I could not identify where those emotions came from. Before the injury, if I had an intense dream, I could identify the time that I felt exactly what I felt in the dream. I could identify what experience my subconscious was processing. I could not do that for this dream.

On the upside, I got to meet with two different friends today. All in all a good day.

Last night I got a call from someone I used to work with, Nick. We talked for a while, and he told me about the people who are thriving under his guidance just like he got his start under mine. It was bitter-sweet. I am happy to hear about friends and friends of friends doing well, but I hate that I cannot contribute to a development effort in a meaningful way… I know that I can, and do contribute in other ways…

Last week I only walked 18.45 miles. Mostly due to the rain.


I went down a mental rabbit hole this morning...


It's a rainy day today